Flash forward 27 years...
Here's Sara in MY prom dress.

She said it reminded her of a pioneer dress. I don't remember feeling "pioneerish" when I wore it.
SO...Sara was asked to her Junior Prom and she needed a dress. She has great friends that encourage each other to be modest and bargain hunters too. We just happened to be at D.I. a month before prom when Sara spotted a rack of various formal gowns. They were various styles, new and older. Some of them obviously worn only once and by the name brand, quite expensive. She decided on a silk handbeaded peach colored dress. (There must be something about peach...) It was lovely! It fit her perfectly! It matched her fair complexion! It was only $10.00! It was definitely going to need some altering though.

With some time on her hands before Prom, Sara decided to tackle this dress as a Personal Progress value project. Off we headed to JoAnn's Fabrics. We found some contrasting fabric for 50% off to make sleeves and a sash. Still not sure of a pattern, we were undaunted.
In the end, Sara got it all done the night before using ideas just out of her head, no pattern, and "Wa La!" I think it turned out great!

Here's some pictures of her fun Prom date. They had a blast!

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