Welcome to the "40's" club!
You knew it had to happen sometime, didn't you?
Just remember, you're in good company. :)
May 18 Birthdays:
Perry Como - famous singer (Mom knows who he is.)
Reggie Jackson - need I say anything?
Pope John Paul II - the pope before the current one - you know, the "Popemobile"
George Strait - famous country singer (Dad knows who he is.)
Brooks Robinson - baseball player from 70's known as "The Human Vacuum Cleaner" (you'll have to read more about that!)
As I was preparing this roast, I mean, toast to you, William, I researched a little about your birthday. Did you know that your sign is the "Taurus" (that's the bull). I wonder if that's referring to your bull-headedness or your talent for talking. Just kidding! Love ya!
Did you know that there are some significant things that have occurred on your birthday over the past years? Maybe you remember them?
Mount St. Helens erupted! (1980) Where were you? I was a freshman in high school. I remember thinking "Whoa, what are all those people going to do?" My college freshman roommate was from Washington and told me all about the ash clouds covering everything.
The movie, Shrek, was released (2001)and the world will never be the same. :)
In 2004, Randy Johnson of the Arizona Diamondbacks pitches a perfect game(at the ripe old age of 40!) See, life is not truly over as you know it!
Well, I just want to say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" and that I love you very much. Besides, we're kind of like twins, you and I, don't you think?

Have a great day, William, and just remember...you'll always be my "little" brother.

P.S. Besides, I heard your fishing skills improve with age. (Or maybe its the patience with fishing that improves?)
Thanks Sis! I'll always appreciate you being there for me on a few critical times in my life. In a way you have been a Savior as trials have reared their ugle head and a calmer, more experienced, voice was needed. Thanks for all the precious memories! Your the best!