I thought I'd start with a quick recap of the "Seeley Saga" over the past few months:
Justus gets his mission call to Chile, Concepcion South in November but doesn't report until March 24, 2010. (That's quite a wait!)
Baby #9, Jeremiah Azel Seeley, born November 21, 2009, 9 lbs. 10 oz., 22.5 in. Best delivery ever, and I still pinch myself sometimes to believe he's really here!
A nine day hospital stay for Jeremiah's perianal abcess. I stayed with him the whole time while Rich and the kids got ready for Christmas. After a quick surgery, all was well and we returned home four days before Christmas.
Christmas 2009: Rich and I agreed our gift this year was having Jeremiah home with us.Justus flew up from St. George for the holidays. We got to talk to Joseph on Christmas Eve (his Christmas Day). He sounded wonderful! It was as if he was in the next room!
Fast forward to March 2010:
Justus comes home three weeks before he leaves for his mission. Thanks to a wonderful job and incredible friends he has earned his money and is anxiously waiting to go.
Jonah finally gets to have his Eagle Court of Honor after receiving it last July and patiently waiting for the paperwork to come back. We have it the Saturday night before Justus' farewell.
Jeremiah is blessed (at 4 months old!) on the day Justus gives his farewell. Justus even got to assist in the blessing. (Not too many brothers get to do that!)
Lots of family - a great time to reconnect. All of Rich's siblings were there, Kathy and her family with Nicki and her family, Kelly and Berkeley, and Kaye and Briyana.
William's family came and Laura's family came from my side.(Thanks again for making the trip!You're awesome!) It was wonderful and sweet. I'm SO grateful for family. I didn't know how we'd fit everyone in our small home but it worked out great and we enjoyed just spending some time visiting together.
Two days later Justus was set apart as a full-time missionary for the next two years of his life and immediately, I think, he had a glow about him.
Kathy, Nathan and Alex met Justus at the SLC airport the next day and spent a little time with him before dropping him off at the MTC. (Thanks again, Kath! That was SO wonderful of you.)
So, now we have TWO missionaries out and we're loving the emails and letters we get each week. What an incredible blessing it is to us and them.
Well, be sure to check back for updates as we enjoy the "sweet and simple things" of life!
Technically Jeremiah is #12