The Seeley Family

The Seeley Family
Justus' Farewell Family Pic

Monday, July 16, 2012

"Back in the saddle again..."

Wow! Time sure flies when you're having lots of fun, living lots of life, doesn't it?'s been almost 2 years to the day that I last posted something on my blog. I felt it was time.

Not that I have more time, mind you. Quite the contrary.

Since the last post, and the last move, I've been teaching piano in ernest (26 students) and have been called to be the Relief Society President of our Ward. (Nope, didn't see that one!)

A quick recap of the past two years, in no certain order:

Joseph married the sweetest, most wonderful young woman, Margaret Li, who we've been SO excited to have as a Daughter-in-law and sister-in-law! Oh, yeah, he returned home from his mission first. :) Then he went back to BYU with Sara for the Winter Semester and he met his sweetheart and they were married this past December. Ahhhhhhh.........

Justus returned home from serving an honorable mission to Concepcion, Chile on March 28. Yeah, Justus! We were SO happy to see him again and love to hear him speak Spanish. And yes, he spoke English with a Spanish accent when he first got home.

Recently, and also, a wonderful "first", drumroll please..........

Alexis announced that she would be having TWINS!!! this December! YEAH! Babies for Lexi and Trevor!!! Our first Grandbabies!!! Yeah!!! We've just been fervently praying all goes well since they've been wanting these babies for quite some time...She's due December 7th.

On a more serious Grandfather, Ray Riley, passed away the day after Joseph and Margaret were married. His funeral was the week after Christmas. It was a sweet occasion. He lived a good life and he was more than ready to go. Regardless, I think I shed enough tears for the whole Riley clan! He was the best grandpa ever. I'll be so excited to see him again someday...

Well, these were just the "biggies" so far...lots of other happenings have been going on which I hope to keep up to date on this here family blog. :) So here's to a fresh start!